Composer Spotlight: Théodore Dubois
Among the composers who graced Paris’s vibrant musical scene at the turn of the 20th century, Théodore Dubois (1837–1924) remains one of the lesser-known names. Also an accomplished organist and dedicated educator, Dubois is categorized as a French Romantic composer, and was a founding member of the Société nationale de musique in 1871.
Throughout his career, Dubois composed in nearly every genre, including operas, religious works, ballets, oratorios, chamber pieces, symphonies, and a vast array of motets, organ pieces, and songs. Dubois had lifelong ambitions to be an opera composer, but was unable to gain a foothold at the major Parisian opera companies and became better known for his church compositions. Today, few of Dubois’s works are regularly performed, apart from his most celebrated work, “The Seven Last Words of Christ.”
Dubois studied piano and organ and received his early music education at Reims Cathedral before attending the Paris Conservatoire, where he later taught harmony. In 1861, Dubois was awarded the prestigious Prix de Rome for composition, which brought with it study in Rome. After five years in Italy, Dubos returned to Paris, becoming choirmaster at the Church of the Madeleine in 1868 and at the Basilica of Sainte-Clotilde in 1871. It was during his tenure at St. Clotilde that Dubois composed “The Seven Last Words of Christ,” originally written for full orchestra, chorus, and soloists for a Good Friday service at the basilica. Dubois later reorchestrated this piece for organ, timpani, and harp—a version that endures in performance today.
Dubois died in Paris on June 11, 1924.
EXTRA CREDIT READING: Dubois was appointed director of the Paris Conservatoire in 1896, continuing the strictly conservative curriculum established by his predecessors. He was forced into retirement in 1905 when a public scandal erupted over the faculty’s blatant attempt to prevent Maurice Ravel—whose modernist style clashed with the Conservatoire’s stance—from winning the prestigious Prix de Rome.