The St. Louis Church Concert Series is an outgrowth of the vibrant music ministry at St. Louis Church, led by Artistic Director Colleen Daly Eberhardt. We seek to present first-rate musical experiences for audiences within and beyond the St. Louis congregation. Equally important, we aim to offer a range of performance and learning opportunities for parish musicians and to showcase their talents as they bring freshness to the works they are performing, while working alongside world-class, professional musicians. Season after season, the Concert Series renews its pledge to ENLIVEN, EDUCATE, and ENTERTAIN, the three-pronged commitment for the Concert Series at large and guiding principles for each program.
Our Mission
Our concerts engage the community in a meaningful way and allow us to take advantage of the excellent acoustical properties of our church and historic 1889 chapel. By offering vocal and orchestral excellence, diverse repertoires, and performances by top-notch musicians, our concerts deliver a wide range of listening experiences. We also hope that concerts provide some lasting and cherished memories.
Our programs allow audiences to become acquainted with or gain additional familiarity with composers, genres, instruments, and music. For younger audience members, our programs nurture and provide first-hand music education experiences and encourage a deeper appreciation of the arts.
We center concert programs on the interests of our audience. Whatever your reason for attending—to indulge your love of music, celebrate Christmas, discover a new composer, genre, or performer, or other—we strive to ensure that each audience member enjoys a satisfying experience from the first note to the last.
How We Work
PERFORMERS: We offer outstanding musical performances, many free of charge, to the community. Concerts feature a remarkable breadth of musical genres spanning classical, sacred music, pop, jazz, musical theater, and more. Local professionals, nationally acclaimed artists, and members of Washington-based military ensembles appear regularly, joining our own resident choirs and orchestra.
VENUES: Each year the Concert Series presents concerts at its three venues: (1) the main church sanctuary, with its 1300-seat capacity, splendid acoustic, and organ; (2) the intimate 120-seat historic 1889 chapel; and (3) the social hall, with refreshments accompanying performances in convivial table settings.
SUPPORTERS: St Louis Parish provides use of its campus venues and associated utilities free of charge. Other operating expenses are covered by donations, sponsorships, and ticket sales. Contributions to the Concert Series are fully tax deductible.
COMMUNICATION: Local print media features information on upcoming programs and occasional interviews with Concert Series leadership to get a behind-the-scenes perspective about the spectrum of activities conducted by the Concert Series and impact. Facebook, Instagram, and email platforms promote programs, collaborations, and community outreach initiatives, introduce guest artists, and offer fun facts about a particular composer or composition. The website’s “Music Notes” section affords in-depth exploration of composers and their works so that audience members will have a broader appreciation prior to attending the concert.

We are privileged to host and collaborate with incredible guest soloists and ensembles, as well as showcase our in-house talents. No matter the scope of the program, the St. Louis Church Concert Series strives to give audience members the best experience possible. To make this happen, we rely on the efforts and dedication of musicians and a team of volunteers, as well as on the enthusiasm and generosity of our donors. We can’t do what we love without your support. It is vital to our mission and greatly appreciated. We look forward to welcoming everyone soon.