St. Louis Treble Choir:
We acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the children of the St. Louis Treble Choir, whose contribution to today’s program is “epic.” And a special “thank you” to Elizabeth Nixon, their director.
St. Louis Choir and guests:
Liz Abraham
Kathryn Bailey
Betsy Bates
Cheryl Breville
Colleen Eberhardt
Rosemarie Fleg
Caryl Gazmen
Marge Gehringer
Julie Hudson
Nalini Jairath
Hana Kaibni
Emily Kendall
Molly Lea
Susan Lepple
Elizabeth Nixon
Carolyn Ostlie
Jane Parrish
Natalie Carlyle
Joanne Dawson
Leslie Farley
Geraldine Green
Kathy Gvozdas
Catherine LaFerriere
Martha Lopez
Mariellen McCanna
Liz Mulligan
Anne Pierce
Loveen Puthumana
Kathleen Spies
Elizabeth Toth
Vida Vaskys
Jonathan Barry
Nana Bonnah
Charlie Dougherty
Bill O'Loughlin
Arunas Vaskys
David Breville
Montel Butler
Jay Dausch
Patrick Gover
Paul Jones
Tonas Kalil
JJ Schwarz
Leonard Sladic
Tony Zakel
Larissa Sanders
Isaiah Shim
Audio / Video Wizards of
Red Bridge Studios:
Kathryn Bailey, editor
Robert Novak, producer
Adam Czarnecki, producer