April 6, 2019


Eya is an award-winning vocal ensemble based in Washington, DC specializing in the interpretation of medieval music for women’s voices...

Eya crafts programs that interweave diverse repertories, forging new points of connection between contemporary audiences and medieval repertoire which underline our common humanity with early poets and composers. 

Organistrum, Wikimedia Commons

Organistrum, Wikimedia Commons

Eya's Pilgrimage Program: Eya follows the Camino de Santiago as well as the path towards the mountaintop monastery of Montserrat with music of medieval Spain from Las Huelgas Codex, Codex Calixtinus, and the Llibre Vermell. Interspersed throughout the program are liturgical songs that Hildegard von Bingen devoted to St. Ursula. This interweaving of musical styles outlines the progression of body, mind, and spirit along the well-worn and sometimes turbulent path of the pilgrim.

Las Huelgas Codex

Las Huelgas Codex